Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011


Passive voice is a grammatical voice common in many of the world's languages. Passive is used in a clause whose subject expresses the theme or patient of the main verb. That is, the subject undergoes an action or has its state changed. A sentence whose theme is marked as grammatical subject is called a passive sentence. In contrast, a sentence in which the subject has the agent role is called an active sentence, and its verb is expressed in active voice. Many languages have both an active and a passive voice; this allows for greater flexibility in sentence construction, as either the semantic agent or patient may take the syntactic role of subject.
Transforming an active verb into a passive verb is a valence-decreasing process ("detransitivizing process"), because it transforms transitive verbs into intransitive verbs.
The use of passive voice allows speakers to organize stretches of discourse by placing figures other than the agent in subject position. This may be used to foreground the patient, recipient, or other thematic role. Passive voice may also be useful when the semantic patient is the topic of on-going discussion.
1 Passive marking
1.1 The passive voice in English
2 Adversative passive
3 See also
4 References
[edit] Passive marking
Different languages use various grammatical forms to indicate passive voice.
In some languages, such as Latin, passive voice is indicated by verb conjugation. A passive suffix on the verb indicates passive voice.
Vīnum (ā) servō portātur.
The wine is carried by the servant.
(Compare this sentence, which gives the same information in the active voice:
Servus vīnum portat, The servant carries the wine.)
Similarly, the Austronesian language Kimaragang Dusun uses an infix, -in-, to indicate passive voice.
past passive
"was killed"
"was stolen"
"was butchered"
[edit] The passive voice in English
Main article: English passive voice
English, like some other languages, uses a periphrastic passive. Rather than conjugating directly for voice, English uses the past participle form of the verb plus an auxiliary verb, either be or get, to indicate passive voice.
The money was donated to the school.
The vase got broken during the fight.
The active voice is the dominant voice in English at large. Many commentators, notably George Orwell in his essay "Politics and the English Language" and Strunk & White in The Elements of Style, have urged minimizing use of the passive voice. However, the passive voice has important uses. Jan Freeman of The Boston Globe states "[a]ll good writers use the passive voice" – including Orwell and Strunk & White themselves, in the sections of their essays criticizing the passive voice. There is general agreement that the passive voice is useful when the receiver of the action is more important than the actor.
[edit] Adversative passive
Some languages, including several Southeast Asian languages, use a form of passive voice to indicate that an action or event was unpleasant or undesirable. This so-called adversative passive works like the ordinary passive voice in terms of syntactic structure—that is, a theme or instrument acts as subject. In addition, the construction indicates adversative affect, suggesting that someone was negatively affected.
The Japanese adversative passive (also called indirect passive) indicates adversative affect.
花子が 隣の 学生に ピアノを 朝まで 弾かれた。
Hanako-ga tonari-no gakusei-ni piano-o asa-made hikareta.
Hanako-subject neighbor student-by piano-object morning-until played-passive
"Hanako was adversely affected by the neighboring student playing the piano until morning."
The indirect or adversative passive has the same form as the direct passive in Japanese. Unlike the direct passive, the indirect passive may be used with intransitive verbs.

Conditional Tutorial
There are two kinds of conditional sentences: real and unreal. Real Conditional describes real-life situations. Unreal Conditional describes unreal, imaginary situations. Although the various conditional forms might seem quite abstract at first, they are actually some of the most useful structures in English and are commonly included in daily conversations. If you prefer to use the conditional pages as a reference only and do not want to complete the tutorial,
The tutorial should be completed as follows:
1. Read this introduction page.
2. Prepare for the exercises by reading the descriptions of the different conditional forms.
3. Complete the exercises below. After each exercise, we have listed the conditional forms covered. Just click on the name of the conditional form to learn more about its use.
Conditional Exercise 1
"If" vs. "When"
Conditional Exercise 2
Present Unreal Conditional
Conditional Exercise 3
Present Real Conditional and Present Unreal Conditional
Conditional Exercise 4
Past Unreal Conditional
Conditional Exercise 5
Past Real Conditional and Past Unreal Conditional
Conditional Exercise 6
Present Unreal Conditional and Past Unreal Conditional
Conditional Exercise 7
Future Real Conditional
Conditional Exercise 8
Future Real Conditional and Future Unreal Conditional
Conditional Exercise 9
Continuous Conditional Forms
Conditional Exercise 10
Mixed Conditionals
Conditional Exercise 11
"Were to" in Past, Present and Future
Conditional Final Test
All Conditional Forms
Conditional Overview with Examples
Present Real Conditional
Present Unreal Conditional
If I have time, I study English.
Sometimes I have time.
If I had time, I would study English.
I don't have time.
Past Real Conditional
Past Unreal Conditional
If I had time, I studied English.
Sometimes I had time.
If I had had time, I would have studied English.
I didn't have time.
Future Real Conditional
Future Unreal Conditional
If I have time, I will study English.
If I have time, I am going to study English.
I don't know if I will have time or not.

Other forms possible.
If I had time, I would study English.
I won't have time.

Other forms possible.


Kalimat Langsung Dan Kalimat Tak Langsung
Bilamana reported speech menyatakan kata-kata yang sebenarnya, ini disebut direct speech (kalimat langsung). Kalimat-kalimat tersebut tidak dihubungkan oleh “that” melainkan harus ditandai dengan (tanda baca) koma.
Bilamana reported speech memberikan isi pokok kata-kata yang dipakai oleh si pembicara dan bukan kata-kata yang sebenarnya ini disebut indirect speech (kalimat tidak langsung). Dalam indirect speech kalimat-kalimat itu dihubungkan dengan kata “that”.
Bentuk waktu reporting verb tidak diubah, akan tetapi bentuk waktu reported speech harus diubah berdasarkan atas bentuk waktu reporting verb.
Dua cara perubahan bentuk waktu pada reported speech :
Peraturan I
Kalau reporting verb itu past tense, bentuk waktu kata kerja dalam reported speech itu harus diubah ke dalam salah satu dari empat bentuk past tense.
Direct Speech - Indirect Speech
Simple present - menjadi - Simple past
He said ” The woman comes “ He said that the woman came
Dari contoh di atas dapat disimpulkan perubahan untuk bentuk waktu dari reported speech sebagai berikut :
Direct Speech
Simple present
Present continuous
Present perfect
Present perfect continuous
Simple past
Past continuous
Indirect Speech
Simple past
Past continuous
Past perfect
Past perfect continuous
Past perfect
Past perfect continuous
Kekecualian :
Kalau reported speech berhubungan dengan kebenaran umum atau fakta yang sudah menjadi
kebiasaan, present indefinite atau simple present dalam reported speech tidak diubah ke dalam
bentuk lampau yang sesuai, melainkan tetap persis sebagaimana adanmya, contoh :
Direct Speech - Indirect Speech
He said, “The sun rises in the east” - He said that the sun rises in the east
Dalam reported speech, bila present tense diubah ke dalam past tense dengan peraturan I, kata sifat, kata kerja atau kata keterangan umumnya diubah:
Direct Speech
this = ini
these = ini
come = datang
here = di sini, ke sini
hence = dari sini
hither = ke tempat ini
ago = yang lalu
now = sekarang
today = hari ini
tomorrow = besok
yesterday = kemarin
last night = tadi malam
next week = minggu depan
thus = begini
contoh :
He said, “I will come here”.
Indirect Speech
that = itu
those = itu
go = pergi
there = di sana, ke sana
thence = dari sana
thither = ke tempat itu
before = lebih dahulu
then = pada waktu itu
that day = hari itu
next day = hari berikutnya
the previous day = sehari sebelumnya
the previous night = semalam sebelumnya
the following week = minggu berikutnya
so = begitu
He said that he would go there
Akan tetapi kalau this, here, now dan sebagainya menunjukan pada benda, tempat atau waktu ketika berbicara, maka tidak dilakukan perubahan.
Agus said, “This is my pen”. - Agus said that this was his pen
(ketika berbicara pena berada di tangan pembicara)
Peraturan II
1) Bila reported speech kalimat berita
Dengan peraturan ini reporting verb dianggap dalam present atau future tense tertentu dan kapan saja ini terjadi, bentuk waktu dari kata kerja dalam reported speech tidak diubah sama sekali dalam mengubah direct menjadi indirect speech.
Reporting verb - Reported speech
Present tense - Any tense (bentuk waktu apapun)
Direct : She says to her friend, ” I have been writing “.
Indirect : She says to her friend that he has been writing. (tidak berubah)
Direct : She has told you, ” I am reading “.
Indirect : She has told you that he is reading. (tidak berubah)
Direct : She will say, ” You have done wrongly “.
Indirect : She will tell you that you have done wrongly. (tidak berubah)
Direct : She will say,” The boy wasn’t lazy “.
Indirect : She will tell them that the boy wasn’t lazy. (tidak berubah)
2) Bila reported speech merupakan kalimat tanya
a) Reporting verb say atau tell diubah menjadi ask atau inquire. Dengan mengulangi kata tanya dan mengubah tenses jika pertanyaannya dimulai dengan kata tanya diberitakan.
He said to me, “Where are you going?”
He said to me, “What are you doing?”
He asked me where I was going
He inquired of me what I was doing
b) Dengan menggunakan if atau whether sebagai penghubung antara reporting verb dan reported speech dan mengubah tenses, jika pertanyaannya dimulai dengan kata kerja diberitakan :
He said to me, “Are you going
away today?”
He asked me , “can you come along?”
He asked me whether I was
going away that day.
He asked me if I could come along.
3) Kalimat perintah (imperative sentences)
Bila reported speech merupakan kalimat perintah, reporting verb say atau tell harus diubah menjadi kata kerja tertentu yang menandakan :
  • command (perintah), misalnya ordered, commanded, dsb yang berarti menyuruh, memerintahkan.
  • precept (petunjuk, bimbingan, didikan), misalnya advised yang berarti menasehati.
  • request (permohonan), misalnya asked yang berarti meminta, memohon.
  • entreaty (permohonan yang sangat mendesak), misalnya begged yang berarti meminta, memohon (dengan sangat).
  • prohibition (larangan), misalnya forbade yang berarti melarang.
Dalam perubahannya dari kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak langsung, modus imperatif harus diganti dengan infinitif. Tegasnya, reported verb (kata kerja yang diberitakan atau kata kerja dalam reported speech) harus diubah menjadi infinitive with to.
a) Command :
Direct: He said to his servant, “Go away at once!”
Indirect:He ordered his servant to go away at once
b) Precept :
Direct: She said to her son, “Study hard!”
Indirect: He advised her son to study hard
c) Request :
Direct: He said to his friend, “Please lend me your pen!”
Indirect: He asked his friend to be kind enough to lend him his pencil
d) Entreaty :
Direct: He said to his master, “Pardon me, sir”
Indirect: He begged his master to pardon him.
e) Prohibition :
Direct: She said to her daughter, “Don’t go there”
Indirect: She forbade her daughter to go there
Kalau reporting verb say atau tell diubah menjadi reported verb ask, order, command dsb (tapi jika bukan forbid), predikatnya diubah ke dalam infinitive with to yang didahului oleh not atau no + infinitive with to.
Direct: She said to her daughter, “Don’t go there”
Indirect: She asked herdaughter not to go there.
4) Kalimat seru (exclamatory sentences)
Bilamana reported speech terdiri dari kalimat seru atau kalimat optatif, reporting verb say
atau tell harus diubah menjadi kata kerja tertentu yang semacam itu seperti exclaim, cry out,
pray dsb.
a) Exclamatory sentences
Direct: He said, “Hurrah! My old friend has come”
Indirect: He exclaimed with joy that his old friend had come.
b) Optative sentences (kalimat yang menyatakan harapan, pujian, dsb)
Direct: He said, “God bless you, my dear son “
Indirect: He prayed that God would bless his dear son